Saturday, July 25, 2009

After a week of carnival food, I'm about ready to go vegan
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Everyone's freaking out about a huge horrible storm. They even shut down the Elvis impersonator.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fell asleep instantly anyway. Thos morning: more Amish pie, hippie coffee and a century.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

An air raid siren is going off. It's done that three times. A train is blaring its horn about 100 yards away. Train horns can be heard for miles, and this one is right here. It sounds like it's in my tent. It angers the screechy dog, who is barking. There is an 80s classic rock cover band blaring out "Better than You" through mega-venue speakers.
My legs are covered in mosquito bites. I will be "awakened" (haha, like I was sleeping) at 445am to go ride 100 miles.

The laundry is done, though.
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Hammered into town at 20+ mph and did my frackalacking laundry. Tired.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Fucking donkey reaming satanic load of radioactive stupid waste of time stalinist shit.

THAT'S how I feel about my shower + laundry situation.
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I keep trying desperately to take my time + not be first back to camp. Today I waited in every long line, stopped at every stop + I still ended up with a boatload of time to kill by myself. Yo, funk that.
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Would you believe that after a mere breakfast burrito, oversized pork chop, two cups of brewed coffee, a large latte and two energy drinks, 70 miles of biking over hills would upset my stomach?
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Museum of axe murder!
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In a sea of shitty coffee, there was a little brown school bus filled with hippies serving up organic brew. When I got to them today, though, they had a sign that said the county wouldn't let them sell coffee from a bus. So rather than drive the bus 5 miles up the road, they encouraged people to steal what coffee they had and then planned to remain there for the rest of the day, "advocating for justice" in coffee serving privileges in Montgomery Co. Hippies.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

OK, the train whistles are less frequentr, but the awful + really loud cover band needs to STFU now kthxbye
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Meant to write a big update, but I was too busy having fun!In the eve, lot of math nerds + biologists on my charter, so we've been talking a lot of evolution and game theory. Also saw a profoundly bullshit drum show. Rock.
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When I finally got to "Mr Pork Chop," my stomach already hurt and so I just ate raspberry-peach pie instead.
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there's as much stuff to do in 10 mi of RAGBRAI as about two days of other cycling
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

train whistles every 3-4 minutes all night: the new chinese water torture?
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Train whistles are the work of Satan
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Joslyn closes at 4! O, cruel fate
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Krispy kreme beats dunkin donuts...but what about tim horton?
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Here I am on vacation, but all I can think of are left eigenvectors and Nash equilibria
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Seriously just saw a woman standing around smoking in a tin foil hat
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There's something so stalinist about airport announcements
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Rocking out my differential equations at the airport. Martin Nowak is my new favorite person.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blogging from the Blackberry

Well, this isn't the sexy Blogger app I'd been hoping for. Nevertheless, it does liberate me from the sub-twitter character limit imposed by a long email address and SMS.

Tomorrow I pack up for RAGBRAI. It'll be about 70 mi / day through Iowa, just one huge bicycle party. My training consisted of an incapacitated spring season, followed by a crapton of centuries, followed by laziness. All the rain didn't help. But I was even less trained for Florida (which was not even SUPPOSED to be fun) and I was alright.

I plan to eat a pork chop for breakfast every fucking day. Sorry, Rabbi Blum.
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