Thursday, December 18, 2008

Back at it...

I loved that gruelling schlep so much that I decided to do it again. This time, it's in Florida. Eight days, 100 miles a day. And tiny, texted blog posts all the way. And if you want to know exactly where I'll be, I'll tell you:

December 28, 2008
December 29
December 30
December 31
January 1, 2009
January 2
January 3
January 4

This time, it's with a group: Gator Country Hell Week. Someone will be carrying my stuff! All I have to do is pedal. And eat. Sleep, occasionally. The pedaling part could be a bigger challenge this time, though, as all I've done since late October is ride on a trainer. And now, with my bike en route to a local Chabad house (thank you, Rebbe!), all I can do is wait and hope that my body holds up.

Be seeing you...

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