Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy new year

On a real computer for the moment. I'm not sure which is more ridiculous:

(1) I just rode four consecutive 100-mile bicycle rides.
(2) I'm about to ride four more consecutive 100-mile bicycle rides.

Every step that I take, my quadriceps beg for mercy. I'm up to two 250ml Red Bulls per day: one upon waking, and the second at mile 50.

I am for serious about those shitstorms today. I'm riding along, getting buffeted by the kind of wind that caused me to scream at the air in Nova Scotia (guess what: I screamed at the air in Florida), when some kind of cow-laden caravan comes careening down the road, and with each one there's a wall of shitty wind that goes to push me off the road.

At mile 68, there was a turn that half of us took that we shouldn't have, and that ultimately resulted in us going so far off course that we just had to ride in the shoulder of a highway to make a B-line to the hotel.

What I've already accomplished is a pretty amazing feat that I'm proud of, and if I make it to the far end without ever hopping in the SAG wagon, that will be great too. But I'm not sure I'd do another Hell Week tour. It's just kind of...boring. There's not much scenery or local shops, and we don't have time to visit them anyways.

The weather is really nice. At the same time, though, four days of 8 hours of looking at orange fields (and cane fields and cabbage fields and cattle pastures) gets old. I had the same problem at the end of my NS trip, when my route planning got kind of shoddy and I ended up mostly taking highways--it all looked the same.

I'd still do more bike tours, but I think I'd stick to things that are going to be adventures first and exercise second. Oh, and if I do a group tour--there should be at least one other person under 45. PLEASE.

OK, enough bitching. Time to take a bath. Hoopy Noowah.

1 comment:

Danielle Schulman said...

"Manure...I hates manure." ;)

Happy New Year!